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Elliot Square Upholstered Headboard, Full, Basketweave Slub Oatmeal | Pottery Barn

Elliot Square Upholstered Headboard is a full size headboard that has been crafted with kiln-dried hardwood frame. It is fully upholstered on a thickly padded frame and the back of the headboard has black linen fabric. The headboard comes with fixed legs and it can be used with an adjustable mattress base as well.
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Pottery Barn
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Elliot Square Upholstered Headboard is a full size headboard that has been crafted with kiln-dried hardwood frame. It is fully upholstered on a thickly padded frame and the back of the headboard has black linen fabric. The headboard comes with fixed legs and it can be used with an adjustable mattress base as well.